How-to: Informational popups (the i’s) in a PowerPoint deck
I learned something the other day and I thought it would be good to share it. Perhaps you already know how this works, perhaps you even use it already, for me if was a first. It is nothing amazing,...
View ArticleDesktops & platforms to deploy on, the choice is yours
I thought, as we are almost halfway through 2019, it would be a good idea to write a piece on the choices customers have when looking to deploy desktops. The market for sure hasn’t been dull and...
View ArticleHow to deal with a jet lag, a few tips from a frequent traveller.
I’ve been on the dark side of a jet lag more than once. I’ve been laying awake for hours at night trying to convince my body it was night. Trying to convince my mind I needed to sleep as morning was...
View ArticleMicrosoft is changing the rules of the game
Licensing topics are a tough subject to discuss and get your head around. Microsoft just announced they are changing licensing for dedicated hosted cloud services per October 1st. This is a very...
View ArticleHearing aids, necessity or a gadget? A story about conference calls and...
Old age comes with loss of hearing for some of us. Nothing we can do about it, except perhaps deny it. I notice that a number of peeps I meet are experiencing hearing issues, I notice it, or they tell...
View ArticleCitrix Managed Desktops, a guided tour. Part 1
Citrix entered the DaaS market with Citrix Managed Desktops or CMD as it is called in a shortened way. I wrote several articles on CMD/WVD and the DaaS market, read one of them right here for some...
View ArticleCitrix Managed Desktops, a guided tour – part 2
In my previous article we walked through the console and looked at building or importing machines. We looked at how you create a catalog and what the options you have there, custom or quick create. We...
View ArticleCitrix Managed Desktops, a guide tour – part 3: monitoring
The previous blogs were about the console for administration. We looked at the menu options, creating a catalog and the options that come with that. If you want to read the previous blogs start here,...
View ArticleAdvertisements stop at my Pi-hole, we go adverb free!
Advertisements online, in paper or anywhere, I’m no fan of them. At home I can make them disappear, just need make sure I’m the first one to get them from the mailbox, straight to the paper bin....
View ArticleThe year of “remote working”, some insights from a seasoned one.
Although I’m happy that finally more people are able to work remotely, are not forced to join traffic jams in the morning, the reason for this is not something to be happy about. But here we are, the...
View ArticleHow to work from home and have a meeting, study or keep in touch.. what is...
A growing number of people are asked or told to stay at home. This, of course, because of the infectious virus spreading. Universities, schools are closing, professionals are asked to work from home....
View ArticleAutocue for your teleprompter app – DIY
In a time that we work from home, reaching out, presenting is becoming more and more important. where one would stand in front of a whiteboard in the office, present in front of coworkers, these days...
View ArticleWhy is virtualization important?
With virtualization, you can interact with any hardware resource with more flexibility. Physical servers consume power, take up storage space, and require maintenance. Access to them is often limited...
View ArticleWhat does virtualization software do?
Your resources are limited. Virtualization allows you to get more out of them. With it, you can run more software and run more processes with the same amount of hardware. Virtualization makes backing...
View ArticleHow does virtualization work?
Virtualization uses specialized software called a hypervisor to create multiple cloud instances or virtual machines on the same physical computer. Comparing cloud instances and virtual machinesAfter...
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